Sales & Sales Management - by MVR Menon

Dear Readers:
I have published my latest book in -
In my opinion, the written or documented materials dealing exclusively about Sales activity and Sales Professionals in comparison to Marketing and Marketing Professionals is not much. “Sales and Sales Management”, a small attempt to fill this vacuum is backed with my three decades experience in Sales & Marketing area.
The marketing expert Mr. Peter Drucker once told that “there is only one valid definition of a business purpose : to create a customer”. The duty of the salesperson is to search, reach, communicate, canvass, develop, create, and satisfy a customer. The salesperson always remains the most important human link between the customer and the sales organization. Sales people contribute heavily to a country’s economic growth by acting as a stimulus for business transactions and spreading the fruits of innovations.
If a business has to succeed then the sales force has to be competent and successful. There is a need to develop more sales people to handle the opening up of the business activities in the world market. It calls for an urgent need to develop the “Sales discipline” which can help in understanding and learning the sales activity.
One can find many great books on marketing, management, leadership, finance and other business skills but only very few books on sales and sales management. The exclusive sales based courses are very few in universities and the much sought after B Schools. I feel that salesmanship is the most important skill needed in today’s complex business atmosphere. An entrepreneur is a salesperson who sells his business as a whole. There is a need for creating more and more entrepreneurs to boost country’s economy and attain economic independence.
I have attempted to script down in this book, explanation of the basic concepts of sales activity and salesmanship as well as the importance and objectives of personal selling. In addition, I have tried to tread into functions of sales organizations and sales management. The purpose of writing this book is to help those who are getting into sales profession and wish to learn the fundamentals of the selling activity. It will also be of assistance to the large group of sales professionals who are already engaged in selling activities but wish to freshen up the basics.
I gratefully acknowledge valuable insights I received by reading masterpieces on Marketing and Sales Management topics by two great gurus Philips Kotler and Peter Ferdinand Drucker, who always inspired me. The book “Sales and Sales Management” is a small contribution to the growth of the profession I learned, preached, professed and practiced throughout my career span. I completed it with extensive research undertaken to collect and compile the facts, theories, findings and opinions of many experts specialized in the sales field.
My learned readers who wish to make improvements or corrections to my work through suggestions may contact me on my mail id
MVR Menon
